Not all radio is created the same. And not all radio advertising campaigns are the same. There are many variables that go into an effective radio advertising campaign. In this white paper you will learn many different options for effective radio advertising

Sounds great. I have great relationships with WTOP and have info from them. I am working on some ideas on the best way to use them. We should have an effective schedule on WTOP with the three of you participating, but it would be better if we had the Bowie location too. I would suggest trying to get them involved. I could call them with you if that will help.

We need to start thinking about the following.
  1. Can we use a general phone number that allocates calls based on geographic areas?
  2. What is the message and offer. It needs to be strong and generate calls and online leads.
  3. Do we want to pay someone for an endorsement. Chris Core might be a good fit. Not sure if he will or how much it will cost.
  4. When do we want to start. We should commit to three months so we can adjust for best results. October and the beginning of November are very busy advertising times for radio. If we can start in November and run into January we can get better rates. Maybe the campaign is get your new off to a good start.
Just some thoughts. Let me know how we should move forward with Paul and other info above.